Tuesday, November 24, 2015


In Medium is the Message, Marshall Mculhan tackles big ideas and theories about the globalized world that we now live in. He states that "we have to shift our stress of attention from action to reaction." I attempt to respond to this in my piece, I aim to find the reaction in the viewer with this silent piece. The viewer is given nothing but the gradually changing video before them. Something which gives the facts of what it is and nothing more, the image changes slightly with each tick of the clock but still stays the same, the change seen within the video is only dramatic from the first and last shot. All other interpretations are left to the viewer to create for themselves; though I want to create a space for them to find these I don't explicitly tell them anything. While the clock quickly changes the image does so as well, the speed of this may seem torturous at first but the viewer is given an escape from this second by second change in the course of the video. 
We are all connected through this global village that Mcluhan has pointed out, this states that the world we now live in is becoming smaller with the growth in technology. I wanted to create a piece that focuses on the little change within the moment. This idea of the change which occurs every second may only seem to contribute to the big picture, however must be done through the subtly of each second. 

Monday, November 16, 2015


Here is a 15 second teaser for my final project. CHECK IT OUT DUDES

-something is happening-

"Can't Focus" Molly Froman
        On Thursday the fifth of November something happened. A gallery opening took place at the Mudd gallery in the Seeley Mudd Library, the 3rd floor to be exact. Here a group of art students displayed their work, photos to be exact. This was not my first gallery opening but by far the most interesting. The set of photos and books that were displayed created a fine set of artwork. This unity was quite beautiful to be honest, most of the photos were very different but something about them all together felt right, in place, extravagant. The show was a great success and most certainly answered the question of: What is Happening? 
      Working with my fellow classmates to put this show together was cool, we were each assigned a different task to do so everything when uber smooth. It was a very nice collaboration of students hard work. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015


John Cage and Marshall Mcluhan theorized around the same time, because of this many of their ideas influence each other or have similar points within them. The use of the senses is heavily thought of throughout both the works of Mcluhan and Cage. Mcluhan dedicates one whole page to the quotes of John Cage as if his thoughts are worth that whole page, he uses Cage as a means for communicating the ideas which are so similar to his own that the world is lost in the realm of the visual sense where all other public and private senses are pushed to the side.