Monday, September 28, 2015

-breath in-

Marshall McLuhan tells us "Today's humor, on the contrary, has no story line - no sequence." I interpret that as that which entertains needs no meaning. My piece contains only meaning made by the viewer and held by me. It is hard to tell as the viewer how much footage it took to create this piece, whether or not the piece is comprised of one minutes worth of footage does not matter. What matters is that it is held, in its current state, at the time of one minute and seven seconds. This experiment of sound and visual create a depressing symbiosis. I wanted to have the repetitive clock-like sound of the light turning on and off constantly in the background while simultaneously altering the sound behind it to create unease. 
This one minute could be torture or pure joy. My favorite part of the video is the ending when it abruptly stops: everything is gone for just a second, all that you have just watched ceases to exists except for in your memory. The video has no story line, no sequence, no reason; but is still worth the sixty seven seconds of viewing and the hours spent working on it. 


  1. I think your video is really striking. Although it's called Breath In, I find myself holding my breath throughout the video. I love the sounds and I love the light filament. At first, I thought it was an amoeba or something like that. The fact that there isn't a storyline appeals to me too, because there isn't anything to keep in mind or remember while you're watching, you just get to enjoy.

  2. I really like the soundscape that you've created throughout your entire film. The combination of the backwards keyboard playing and the clicking of the light switch give me the feeling of clockwork machinery ticking away. These very mechanical sounds have an interesting contrast with the natural act of breathing that you're showcasing as well.
